I had about two minutes to goof around in the stamp room on Friday, and this is what I managed to pull together from a leftover bear I had from making my sample paper dolls tins for the Build A Bear Workshop exclusive Holiday DVD viewing parties this weekend. Isn't he too cute? I don't have the Santa Bear die yet, so I had to wing the hat, but I was pretty please with how he turned out.
I probably would have had an easier time of it had we had mini candy canes in the house, but all I had was a box of the big ones. So, to make him fit on a regular card front, and thus into a clear envelope, I had to cut off his right ARM, poor baby! But I glued it right back down again with dimensionals, so it looked like he was supporting the candy cane. His raised left arm, I just curled around the candy cane with Sticky Strip.
Quick and easy, and another reason you need to buy that Big Shot!
He is so cute. I like how he is holding on to the candy cane. What a great idea.
Posted by: Gladys | 12/14/2009 at 09:34 PM