Photo Tutorial: Telescoping Circles Card - Embellish

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Adhese. It's the way to go! Thanks for making me feel famous TWICE in your blog recently! ;)

Thank you so much for taking the time to put this tutorial together, Lyssa! I promise not to break any teeth in the making of my version ;-) Hope your son is doing ok!

Oh dear, hope your son is feeling better Lyssa. Thanks so much for sharing this fantasic idea - it looks so great. I haven't seen one before, so I must add it to my long list of things I must try.
Hope you have a happy day. Inky wishes, Di

Hope your son is doing better! (been there, done that AND son is 29 years old and handsome as ever!!) This telescoping card is very cute...your pink cs circles can be replaced with DP for a twist! thanks for sharing your creativity and inspiration!!

Thanks for doing this tutorial. I love this card!

Thanks so much for doing this tutorial Lyssa and what a fab card project. Just in the midst of trying one myself - and just had to find a non-video tutorial. ( yup I am the strange one that cannot cope with video tutorials!!) So glad to have found your blog as I believe you are the ever-so-clever originator!! Cheers....

Amanda, I am not the originator and neither is Margaret Van Vliet, whom I got the Leadership swap from. Unfortunately the name of the original creator of this cute idea seems to be lost to history! But I am glad you liked the photo tutorial--I don't like the video ones either : )

Thanks so much for the super simple tutorial. Love it!

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For legal reasons I must state that the use of and contents of my personal stamping inspiration blog, classes, events and services are the sole responsibility of Lyssa Griffin Zwolanek, Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator. Song of My Heart© is not endorsed or sponsored by any company or entity, including Stampin' Up! When you visit Song of My Heart's blog no information is collected for any reason unless you voluntarily fill in the subscription form for our weekly email which will contain marketing information for crafting supplies. You may unsubscribe from that newsletter at any time and it will immediately go into effect. Questions? Contact us directly at Lyssa@songofmyheartstampers. com
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