What a week! Convention 2012 final day - Embellish

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Great inspiration pictures and yes, that looks like the Penni we know! Fantastic shot!
Looking forward to seeing you in person to hear and see EVERYTHING! I will not stay behind next year. SLC will not know what hit it!

The best part about that last pic is that I look taller than you. It was fun rooming with you, too!!

Good Luck with earning the trip Lyssa! I know you will be trying so hard to give this to your family!

Oh I love Brian Pilling!! I got to meet him at a class at Convention here in Australia and I agree he is wonderful and so inspirational! Great blog post! :)

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For legal reasons I must state that the use of and contents of my personal stamping inspiration blog, classes, events and services are the sole responsibility of Lyssa Griffin Zwolanek, Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator. Song of My Heart© is not endorsed or sponsored by any company or entity, including Stampin' Up! When you visit Song of My Heart's blog no information is collected for any reason unless you voluntarily fill in the subscription form for our weekly email which will contain marketing information for crafting supplies. You may unsubscribe from that newsletter at any time and it will immediately go into effect. Questions? Contact us directly at Lyssa@songofmyheartstampers. com
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