31 Pages in 31 Days: 8/31/14 - Embellish

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You did it! I will miss the scrapbook layouts, as I somethimes need something to get me going with my scrapbooking. I think it is because it takes so much longer to do a page than a card. However, I am also excited that you are doing cards again, since that is really my number one passion. I am too a teacher, now retired, so I am surprised that you were able to get all of these pages done, with all of the things that come up just before school starts. I have a favor to ask. I have more than enough flower themed cards, although they are certainly beautiful to send to others, but I live in a household with all males, and so I would like to request that every so often if you could put in some generic, non-flowery cards. Thanks a bunch for your daily inspiration!

Once again, WOW! The second the page loaded with this, I was blown away (again) by the awesomeness of this layout! LOVE IT!

I've really enjoyed your 31 days!

I think this is my favorite page, of course I am rather partial to that Blackberry Bliss!

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For legal reasons I must state that the use of and contents of my personal stamping inspiration blog, classes, events and services are the sole responsibility of Lyssa Griffin Zwolanek, Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator. Song of My Heart© is not endorsed or sponsored by any company or entity, including Stampin' Up! When you visit Song of My Heart's blog no information is collected for any reason unless you voluntarily fill in the subscription form for our weekly email which will contain marketing information for crafting supplies. You may unsubscribe from that newsletter at any time and it will immediately go into effect. Questions? Contact us directly at Lyssa@songofmyheartstampers. com
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