Wanna hear a secret? This is my sample swap card for the 2015 Hawaii incentive trip! I'll be trading these cards with other demonstrators next week in beautiful Oahu as we stay at the Sheraton Wakikki for six days. I hope they like it! I probably should have waited to share this, but it's the only thing I've been working on for the past couple of days, and my new In Colors arrive tomorrow, so I wanted to get this out before I left. So much to do... so little time!
Enjoy this free four-minute video tutorial for my Color Wave Card, a Cheat Sheets original from Collection #1. On the video, you'll see tips for making your straight sentiments into a curvy one that follows the line of the card from side to side. Easy and versatile!
What a sweet card! Thanks for the video tutorial!! I've seen cards with "wave" cuts but always thought they were too daunting…I could never get a decent shape, could I?...you've made it look so easy. Practicing on scrap paper and keeping the best curve for a template…of course! I love your last comment to turn off the computer and go stamp. Yes, ma'am!! ;-)
Posted by: Doris | 05/07/2015 at 10:47 AM
Awesome! I love how the photopolymer stamps bend. Hmmm...I'm going to have to try that!
Posted by: Brenda B | 05/08/2015 at 03:55 PM